Thursday, October 21, 2010

Power Tulle!

This Morning

8am: Nice leisurely awakening to Lily kissing my cheek and telling me good morning

8:15: Sipping coffee and browsing the interweb

8:15 and 20 seconds: Realize like a freight train into my gut that today is preschool day
(begins at 8:30 in Hudson which is a 20 minute drive) and that I am wearing holy sweats and the oldest t-shirt known to man while Lily is lounging on the couch in plaid pajamas

8:16: Loudly clamber down the stairs to yell excitedly to baby daughter that it is time to get up and get ready

8:17-8:30: Throw on mismatched clothing including black shirt and brown boots (ick) and run out to start car

8:31: Remember simultaneously that it is PICTURE DAY at preschool and that I drove the car down to below the E last night because I was so damn tired after my long frickin day that I didn't want to stop for gas

8:32: Brush Lily's hair and stick a cute bow in it then pile her into her carseat

8:33: Have genius idea to fill car with remaining gas from container used for lawn mower

8:36: Drive Lily to preschool at reasonable (ahem) speed

8:59: Arrive winded and frazzled to preschool where they are just about to start pictures

After that...

After this debacle I feel as though I deserve a Caribou stop. So, while Lily is at preschool I grabbed a coffee, 4 yards of tulle, white ribbon, smoke detectors, light switch plate covers and brown paint.
What do you mean that sounds super random?
The tulle and ribbon are embellishments for Lily's Halloween costume.
I am replacing our smoke detectors with some that have lights and some crazy new jazz photosynthesizers to deter false alarms on them. 
I am finishing the updates in the bathroom (light switch plates and paint).

I think I was trying to make up for my morning with being super productive this afternoon. Well, here is some evidence of my over zealous activities today.

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