Monday, January 17, 2011

Fever All Through the Night

Lily had a pretty high fever last night and a rough night's sleep. She was up and down and whimpering while she slept. It made for a lot of worrying awake hours for this mama. It made me think of how precious of a gift she is and how I'd be lost without her.

She has recently started using so many new words in the correct context. She was sitting in her carseat rubbing the rubber top of her Converse sneakers. I asked her what she was doing.

"I'm feeling the different textures. This side is rough. And this side is smoooooth! Those are opposite textures, Mom!"

As I sat there stunned driving to our destination I began to think of all the new concepts she has grasped and exceeded in the last few months.

Mark and I like to give her "options" when getting ready for bed or other undesirable activities. It gives her what psychologists like to call perceived control of her little life. Plus, we don't want to appear as unyielding authoritarian discipline machines. So, we tell her...

"Lily, you have two options. You can either take a bath, read some books and then bed. Or you can take a bath, watch a movie in the big bed (our bed) and then bed."
The other night this backfired completely. We gave her the standard options and she counter offered.

"How about I have three options. One, I stay up all night. Two, I play games out here (in the living room) all night, or three, I stay up all night."
She then just looked at us very seriously waiting for us to pick one of her "options."

The other day she actually told me I was not a part of the tea party process unless I was seated on the floor in the correct area.

She is in perfectly good spirits today even though she was up all night not feeling well. I feel so lucky to have such a rad kid.

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