Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Kidwell World

Hello to all of you!

Again, I must apologize for my inconsistent blogging habits. I get going on little tangents and forget to write about them. Now, to what all of you care about, the kids.

Lily is about a month into kindergarten and is thriving. She has behavior monitoring everyday because her classroom is run in a very strict organized manner. She starts her day on green and if she receives one warning about anything in particular that is not abiding by the rules she has to flip to yellow. If she has to be warned again, about anything, it is a red card and a mandatory 10 minute time out and sitting out for 10 minutes of recess. While the mama bear in me gets very annoyed that my daughter asking if her letter "t" is written correctly without waiting to be called on warrants a warning, the realist in me knows that she had better learn to follow rules regardless of how her mommy feels about them.

She is learning sight words and is sounding things out very well for someone so impatient with non-comprehension. Numbers come to her so easily that she never even has to take a moment before she has the exact answer. She is still ever so patient and kind to her younger brother even though he pushes every last good grace of hers to the very limit.

Finn is a monster. He is a darling. But, he is a monster. He is reckless, destructive, inquisitive, mischievous and stubborn as hell. He is also a fast learner, excitable, loving and so very happy. He smiles and waves while saying a very clear "hi!" to strangers. He waves and very sweetly sings "byeee!" when we leave their presence. His list of words is expanding daily and we are all so stunned when he picks up a new one. 

So far there is:

Nah-nah (night-night)
Issy (sissy)
Woo-woo (train)
Beep-beep (car)
Boh (boats)
Ishies (fishies)
Mowah (more)
Foo (food)
Bah-boh (bottle)
Bah-oh (ball)

He is obsessed with big trucks and tractors. He loves his daddy and his papa. And he gets incredibly excited when Lily comes home from school. He can climb anything, eat anything and will stay outdoors until you drag him kicking and screaming inside.

Mark and I are doing fine. :)

Thanks for reading.

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