Monday, January 10, 2011

12 weeks

The end of the first trimester.
The regaining of energy and the ability to inhale through the nose.
The quietly understood "safe" time to tell.
We are having a baby.
I am almost 12 weeks along.
We are thrilled.
We have NOT told Lily yet because she is three and things
that you tell her are going to happen should then instantly become an occurrence.
Our progress will be updated via this blog as often as I can.
Thank you for your time and attention.
You are now going to be rewarded with photos of my abdomen and ripped pajama pants.

1 comment:

  1. Look at YOU skinny minnie!

    Katie, I cannot believe it took four days for me to catch on to this. I am so excited for you!! YAY!! Congratulations!


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